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HaTziporim Neighborhood
Covering an area of 370 dunam, HaTziporim is one of two new neighborhoods in the city currently under construction, and in the process of selling housing units.
The neighborhood is located between Keizer, Givat C and Buchman (see attached map).
The neighborhood borders Anava Park on the north side and route 431 on the south side. Sderot Chashmonaim - the city's main thoroughfare - lies to the east, and route 3 and the Nofim neighborhood, the second neighborhood being built, lie to the west.
What's in the Plan
The neighborhood, previously called "Keizer South", includes 991 housing units, following two reductions in the number of housing units by the planners to prevent damage to nearby Anava Park and due to the proximity to Route 431.
Aside from residential complexes, the neighborhood will include an elementary school, two shopping centers, a synagogue, five kindergarten complexes, a clinic, tipat chalav and an area that will be used either for culture or youth and non-formal education.
On the north side of the neighborhood, where it borders Anava Park, a promenade will be built along the entire length of the neighborhood, similar to the promenade built on Shani street in the Avnei Chen neighborhood parallel to the HaTziporim neighborhood on the opposite side of the park.
The planning of the neighborhood was accompanied by long years of red tape and controversy, which, among other things, led to a reduction in the number of housing units in the neighborhood and the moving of other housing units due to their proximity to Anava Park and route 431.
The neighborhood's name was previously intended to be 'Keizer South' after its planner Danny Keizer, and due to its close proximity to the Avnei Chen neighborhood, which was formerly called Keizer. The Municipal Names Committee decided on the name 'HaTziporim', with the names of seven streets being: Duchifat, Nachlieli, Sla'it, Efroni, Shaldag, Tzukit and Chasida.
Affordable housing
167 units in the new neighborhood will be allocated to young couples as part of the "Diur LeMishtaken" project, according to the criteria established by the Minister of Housing, of which 30% are designated for young couples without children, and 30% for families with up to three children.
In addition, 164 housing units will be designated for rental only. This means that almost one third of the neighborhood is designated for affordable housing - significant news that will help many young couples and families to purchase an apartment in Modiin-Maccabim-Reut at reasonable prices.
Construction and sales
Four construction companies have been awarded eight different compounds which will contain 671 housing units.
25% of these apartments, around 167 units, will be sold in the framework of the 'Michraz LaMishtaken LeZaka'ei Misrad HaShikun' for an estimated price of 750 thousand shekels for a three-room apartment. These housing units will be distributed proportionately among all the construction companies in the neighborhood.
Not one construction company submitted an offer for the additional tender of the complex that includes 164 residential units intended for rental only, similarly to tenders for rental projects in other cities in Israel.
- Zilbermintz was awarded one complex with a total of 156 units.
- The HaAchim Uzan company was awarded two sites: one including 44 units and the second including 72 units.
- The Perets Bonei HaNegev company was awarded two sites, and will now be building the most units in the neighborhood: one complex includes 180 residential units and the other 96 units.
- The Almog construction Company was awarded three complexes in the neighborhood: 32 units, 35 units and 56 units.
In the future, 156 additional housing units will be built in the neighborhood, bringing it to its final size of 991 housing units.