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Bereshit Tnuah - Dance Studio

Studio Acord, Azrieli Mall, Level -2 | Meginim Sports Hall, Mota Gur 45 | Ironi Bet Sports Hall, Emek Yizrael - Modiin
Last Updated: 12 days ago

When you dance out of love, from the passion to dance, everything is possible!

For ages 3-90. Groups are small, allowing personal attention for each student, as well as the development of meaningful social connections.

Come learn and enjoy dance classes where everyone advances and develops from their own, personal place, while developing feelings of security in their abilities, listening to their bodies and creativity.

The studio offers classes all taught by professional instructors with education diplomas and experience in education:

  • Creative dance
  • Jazz
  • Classical ballet including point
  • Modern ballet
  • Hip hop
  • Classic dance, modern dance and pilates classes for women, morning and evening

For 2022-3 class schedule click here

Classes for mothers and daughters - for ages Gan to Kita Aleph, elementary school age, and for mothers and teenage daughters.

Studio Bereshit Tnuah was opened in 2015 for dance and movement classes for children from age 3 to adults.

Yaela Cohen, the studio's owner, is a dancer and certified dance teacher, movement therapist, holds a second degree in education and has 20 years experience in teaching children, instructing teachers and management.

To read Modiin News article in Hebrew click here

Call now for more information: 050-8090400


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חני גוטמן
סטודיו מקצועי! יעלה מתייחסת לכל אחת באופן אישי, אכפתית ונעימה. הבנות מקבלות כלים והכשרה למחול/תנועה והרבה לנשמה
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