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Pesach Times in Modiin 5784 / 2024

Info according to Modiin-Maccabim-Reut Rabbinate.
Last Updated: 2 days ago

Shvi'i shel Pesach:

  • Sun, 20 Nissan 28/4: candle lighting - 19:01, sunset - 19:21.
  • Mon, 21 Nissan 29/4: end of chag - 19:52 (eating Chametz time).

Bdikat Chametz:

  • Sun, 13 Nissan (night of 14 Nissan), 21/4 - as of 19:31.

End of eating Chametz:

  • Mon, 14 Nissan, 22/4 - 09:59.

End of burning Chametz:

  • Mon, 14 Nissan, 22/4 - 11:18.

1st Chag Times:

  • Mon, 14 Nissan, 22/4 - candle lighting: 18:56, Sunset: 19:16.

Start of Seder:

  • From 19:32.

Latest time to eat Afikoman:

  • (Chatzot Leil Seder) - 24:38.

End of 1st Chag:

  • Tue, 15 Nissan, 23/4 - 19:48.

Shabbat Chol HaMo'ed:

  • Fri, 18 Nissan, 26/4 - candle lighting: 18:59, Sunset: 19:19.
  • End of Shabbat Chol HaMo'ed, 19 Nissan, 27/4 - 19:51.

Info according to Modiin-Maccabim-Reut Rabbinate - for the official document click here!

(The times are specific to Modiin, as set and published by Rabbi Elcharar on the booklet "Davar BiZmano" and the link above).

Chag Pesach Kasher ve'Same'ach :)

The ModiinApp team.



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