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School, Ganim & Tzaharonim Vacation Calendar 2024-25 in Modiin-Maccabim-Reut
Last Updated:
over 2 weeks ago
All the school vacations for the 2024-2025 school year as set by the Ministry of Education, and the vacation days on which the Matnas Modiin tzaharonim operate (from 07:30 to 16:00).
Rosh Hashana
- No school and ganim Erev Rosh HaShana and first and second day Chag - Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 2-5/10/24.
- School goes back on Sunday 6/10/24.
Yom Kippur and Sukkot (bridge)
- No school and ganim from Erev Yom Kippur and throughout Sukkot from Friday 11/10/24 until Thursday 24/10/24.
- School goes back on Friday, Isru Chag, 25/10/24 (in contrast to previous years, Isru Chag Sukkot is a regular school day).
- The tzaharonim are operating on Sunday-Tuesday 13-15/10/24.
- No school and ganim from Friday 27/12/24 until Thursday 2/1/25.
- School goes back on Friday 3/1/25.
- The tzaharonim are operating Sunday-Thursday 29/12/24-2/1/25.
- Dressing up day - Thursday 13/3/25 (Taanit Esther).
- No school and ganim on Friday-Sunday 14-16/3/25.
- School goes back on Monday 17/3/25.
- No school and ganim from Friday 4/4/25 until Saturday 19/4/25.
- School goes back on Sunday, Isru Chag 20/4/25 (in contrast to previous years, Isru Chag Pesach is a regular school day).
- The tzaharonim are operating Sunday-Wednesday 6-9/4/25.
Yom HaZikaron
- On Wednesday 30/4/25 school ends at 12:00 lunchtime.
Yom HaAtzmaut
- No school and ganim Thursday 1/5/25.
- School goes back on Friday 2/5/25.
Lag BaOmer
- Lag baOmer this year (Friday 16/5/25) is a regular school day.
- No school and ganim Erev Chag and Chag - Sunday and Monday 1-2/6/25.
- School goes back on Tuesday, Isru Chag, 3/6/25 (in contrast to previous years, Isru Chag Shavuot is a regular school day).
End of school year
- Elementary schools and ganim finish on Monday 30/6/25.
- High schools and kitot yud gimmel-daled that study 6 days a week finish on Friday 20/6/25, and those that study 5 days a week finish on Thursday 19/6/25.
Links to the information sources