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Family Tuesdays at the Hasmonean Heritage Museum - Summer 2024

Hasmonean Heritage Museum, Dam HaMaccabim 24, City Center (Ma'ar), Modiin
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Last Updated: over 2 weeks ago

The name of the game: ancient board games - workshops for the whole family at the Hasmonean Heritage Museum in collaboration with the Antiquities Authority.

For ages 5 and up.

Cost: child 30 ₪, adult 20 ₪ (includes entry to museum).

Upcoming dates

Tuesday 23/7, 16:00 and 17:00 - Senet game

The secrets of the Egyptian pharaohs come to life through an ancient board game discovered in the tomb of Tutankhamun. Will you be able to avoid the curse of the pharaohs?

To purchase tickets click here

Tuesday 6/8, 16:00 and 17:00 - Royal Game of Ur

From the Mesopotamian civilizations straight to you! An ancient game that will give us a taste of the life of the kings.

To purchase tickets click here

Tuesday 20/8, 16:00 and 17:00 - Mancala game

An old game that involves moving between spaces. Do you think you will be able to succeed?

To purchase tickets click here



  • Tuesday 23/7
  • Tuesday 6/8
  • Tuesday 20/8

Hours: 16:00 and 17:00

Cost: child 30 ₪, adult 20 ₪ (includes entry to museum).


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