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Baking & Cooking Workshops + Birthday Parties with Roni's Sweets
Emek Ayalon, Modiin
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over 2 weeks ago
Workshops and birthday parties - a creative, tasty, and fun experience in the world of cooking and baking!
Come and discover the magic of cooking and baking in special workshops, personally customized for adults, children, families, groups, and individuals. Instruction by chef-pattisier Roni Shukrun, with over 12 years of experience in pastry making and group activities.
Variety of workshops and activities to choose from:
- Italian Cooking Workshop - Journey through Italy with fresh ingredients, techniques from "the Boot's" kitchen, the magic of dough, and lots of fun!
- Baking Workshops - dream cake workshop, yeast dough workshop, cookie workshop, and more.
- Birthday Activities - Birthday parties for children and teens. A hands-on workshop that provides sweet taste of the world of pastry, along with lots of fun and creativity.
Come learn and enjoy!
For more information and to register click here
Instruction by Roni Shukrun, pastry chef, with over a decade of experience in cake design, recipe writing and dessert making as well as leading workshops for children and adults.