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Dog Parks in Modiin

Updated list with information on all the dog parks in Modiin Maccabim Reut, including maps.
Dog Park Emek Ha'Ela
First dog park in the city with separation between large and small dogs. The park is located on Emek Ha'Ela street opposite house number 26 (opposite the social services department building). The park's services include: water fountains for
Dog Park Emek HaChula
Approximately 800 sqm large, the park is located near Derech Ya'ir Parag on the east side of Emek HaChula, close to the outdoor gym. The park is surrounded by a tall fence with double gates for security in order to allow the dogs to run fre
Dog Park Emek Zevulun
Located next to Park HaMishpacha and the sports hall. The area includes special play structures for dogs, signage, benches, bins and water fountains.
Dog Park Kramim
Approximately 800 sqm large, the park is located in the junction of the streets Nisan and Ein Charod in the Kramim neighborghood. The park is surrounded by a tall fence with double gates for security in order to allow the dogs to run free w
Dog Park Maccabim
Located on Sderat HaMaccabim, in the Eucalyptus grove next to Kikar Rabin. The park includes play structures for dogs, signage, benches, bins and water fountains.
Dog Park Modiin Center
Allocated area for dogs located at the north-east side of Emek Ayalon opposite Givat HaTitora. The size of the park has been doubled recently and includes special play structures for dogs, benches, bins and water fountains.
Dog Park Moriah
Buchman (Shvatim & Moriah)
A 500 sqm park located on Sderot Menachem Begin, corner of Sderot HaChashmona'im (next to the Extreme Park). The decision for the location of the park was made due to residents' requests to place a dog park within the neighborhood, but dist
Dog Park Nofim
An allocated closed section for dogs within the park on Ya'ar Yatir in the Nofim neighborhood. The dogs area includes playing structures, benches, water fountain, lighting, bins and a Saki-Kaki unit.
Dog Park Reut
Located next to Mishol Oz Tzemach, between the tennis courts and the scouts. The park includes special play structures for dogs, signage, benches, bins and water fountains.
Dog Park Shimshoni
Shimshoni (Meginim & Nevi'im)
Located on Motta Gur street, next to the Ironi Gimel high school. The park includes special play structures for dogs, signage, benches, bins and water fountains.

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