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Shuls & Communities in Modiin

All the options for synagogues, minyanim and kehilot in the Modiin area, including sephardi, ashkenazi and more!
Shabbat Times in Modiin - Nissan 5784 / April 2024
Modiin General
Shabbat Chol HaMo'ed Pesach (VaYomer Moshe), 19 Nissan, 26-27/4/24. Shabbat times: Candle lighting: 18:59. Sunset: 19:19. End of Shabbat: 19:51. Info according to Rabbanut Modiin (The times are according to the specific horizon of Modiin-Ma
Pesach Times in Modiin 5784 / 2024
Modiin General
Bdikat Chametz: Sun, 13 Nissan (night of 14 Nissan), 21/4 - as of 19:31. End of eating Chametz: Mon, 14 Nissan, 22/4 - 09:59. End of burning Chametz: Mon, 14 Nissan, 22/4 - 11:18. 1st Chag Times: Mon, 14 Nissan, 22/4 - candle lighting: 18:5
‭22/04‬ : Public Seder Night at Beit Chabad - Pesach 2024
Seder night in a happy, Chabad atmosphere, led by Rabbi Baruch Slonim Shlita, Rabbi of the Chabad community. Meal fit for royalty Family atmosphere Joint Haggadah reading Happiness and true freedom. Mehadrin supervision, LeLo Shruya. [phone
Kehilat Yedid Nefesh Synagogue (Masorti)
Gabai - Doron Rubin / Alon Herman.
Kipodan Synagogue (Ashkenazi)
Gabai - Hilel Harmon.
Kipodan Synagogue (Sephardi & Edot HaMizrach)
Contact person - Rabbi Avraham Elcharar. שיעורי תורה בבית הכנסת שיעור לגברים: חברותות עם אברכים - כל אחד לומד מה שהוא רוצה בקצב שהוא רוצה. מעביר השיעור: אברכים תלמידי חכמים. קהל יעד: חילוניים ודתיים, מתחזקים ומתחילים (אפשרות לחבורתא בצרפתית
Kol Avraham - Yom Kippur Minyan (Sephardi)
Contact person - Suzi Israel.
Kol Israel Synagogue (Sephardi)
Gabai: Shimon Chamani - 052-3778889.
Kol Sasson Synagogue (Yemenite)
Shimshoni (Meginim & Nevi'im)
Gabai - Oded Yechiel. Run by amutat Tif'eret Israel' - Chairman: Haim Tzfira 052-5323367.
Kol Yaakov Synagogue (Sephardi & Edot HaMizrach)
Shimshoni (Meginim & Nevi'im)
Gabai - Yitschak Shushan.
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