ModiinApp was started as a small project by 4 friends (three of us live in Modiin - 2 olim and 1 sabra), and quickly grew into the best source for information on local businesses and deals in Modiin. Everything we do is local and authentic. We hope you like it. Get in touch!

Lev Physio Modiin - Physical Therapy Clinic
Innovative and well-equipped physical therapy clinic offering a wide range of treatments - for every type of pain!
Subsidized treatments with Kupat Cholim Clalit and private insurance.
The treatments will restore your optimal functioning both at home and at work, and in our daily routine.
Professional clinic, with a team of certified therapists, experienced and highly regarded in their fields. Your visit includes an in-depth diagnosis of the root of your pain / physical limitation and rehabilitation, and individual or group treatment with personally customized exercises, or advice for purchasing equipment designed for your issue.
Personal attention with quick and immediate availability!
Call now: 072-3727494
Offering you all treatments under one roof:
- Sport injuries
- Pelvic floor for women and children
- Orthopedic treatments
- Neurological treatments
- Child and infant development
- Treatments for senior citizens
- Diagnosis and customization of insoles
- Acupuncture / dry needling
- Vestibular issues - dizziness / vertigo
- Personal training
- Treatments after strokes
- Lymphatic treatments
New - walking clinic! Oron Midrasim, expert orthotist, offering a professional and innovative walking clinic. Custom insoles, free check up and customization of the insole for your feet. Option to get your custom insole at the end of the check up!
For more information, call now: 072-3727494
Staff and areas of treatment:
- Boaz Lev B.SC - CEO and owner of Lev Physio
- Hila Noga B.P.T - Physical therapist, head of orthopedic rehabilitation and sports injuries
- Eitan Weiss B.P.T - Physical therapist, specializes in orthopedics, sports injuries, vestibular disorders and TMD's (temporomandibular disorders).
- Tali Meni B.P.T - Physical therapist, head of of pelvic floor therapy
- Hadas Gleicher B.P.T - Pelvic floor therapist
- Edgar Murinas B.P.T - Physical therapist, in charge of child development
- Yael Biran B.O.T - Occupational therapist, head of hand therapy
- Yoni Salomon B.P.T - Physical therapist, in charge of CP
- Miriam Feldman B.P.T - Physical therapist, head of lymphatic treatments
- Noa Lev B.P.T - Physical therapist, specializes in orthopedic rehabilitation and sports injuries
Call for more information: 072-3727494