e.g. Restaurants, Taxis or a business name

Atzmaut 76: Useful & General Information in Modiin

Variety of informational pages for Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha'Atzmaut in Modiin, including memorial website, changes in supermarket opening times, updates on the number of city residents, business activities and more. *Some of the the pages are only available during the week of the Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha'Atzmaut events.
Remembrance Website for Modiin's Fallen Soldiers
A special website dedicated to residents of Modiin who fell as soldiers or in terrorist attacks. The website includes all their names, and each one has a page with a picture, their story, details about their family, their military service a
Closed Roads & No Parking Areas on Yom HaAtzmaut 2024
Due to the celebrations on 13/5/24 the following roads will be closed for traffic and parking from 17:30 until 1:00 am: Emek HaChula on both sides, from Merkaz Sharbat to Nehar HaYarden. Emek Yizrael (East) from the corner of Emek HaChula t
Opening & Closing Times of Modiin Businesses on 2024 Remembrance Day for Fallen Soldiers & Terror Victims
According to the law for Yom HaZikaron LeChalalei Ma'arachot Israel 1963: On Sunday 12/5/24, all stores (except the Super-pharm on Emek Beit She'an, which will be functioning as duty pharmacy), eateries and all other businesses will close a
‭14/05‬ : 76 Free Places to Visit on the 76th Yom Ha'atzmaut
76 historical sites throughout the country will be open to the public to visit, enjoy and experience our national heritage, at no charge. Attractions include a range of tours, exciting multimedia exhibitions, shows, new exhibitions and acti
City Instructions for Dog Owners During Fireworks
Modiin General
The city veterinarian, Dr. Ofer Einav, wishes to remind residents and to recommend to dog owners to put their dogs on leashes and to keep them inside their homes on Erev Yom HaAtzmaut during the fireworks to prevent them from running away.

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ModiinApp was started as a small project by 4 friends (three of us live in Modiin - 2 olim and 1 sabra), and quickly grew into the best source for information on local businesses and deals in Modiin. Everything we do is local and authentic. We hope you like it. Get in touch!