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Shilat Industrial Area in Modiin
All the shops and services in the Shilat Industrial area, including deals, eateries, garages, supermarkets, shops & more..
Gil Niv Service Center - Licensed Garage
Gina Jacobson
My car started making a horrific noise on Friday afternoon. (I took a look myself and the floor under the front of my car had come loose).
This morning I took it to Gil in Shilat
Not only did he take me without an appointment, but he fixed it within half an hour and then didn't charge me.
Absolute mensch!
ps. I found him on Modiin App and verified him on Our Modiin, where he got some excellent reviews
HaMadpeset - Photography Store
Shoshana Simons
Great job and quick service! Highly recommended!!
Igal Zabati
הגעתי לעסק בהמלצת חבר ,מצאתי מקום מדהים עם מבחר גדול של בשרים באיכות מדהימה וזה נאמר לאחר הכנת הבשרים להנאת החברים .
בטוח שאני חוזר שוב.
יש לציין שרות ומקצוענות VIP של הצוות .מקום נקי ומסודר.
מומלץ מאוד.
Gypsy Shilat
Alison Vaknin
Best evening at gypsy. Fun good atmosphere friendly and good food . Highly recommend
Mashani Salatim Modiin
Michael Bendkowski
אנחנו מכירים את סלטי משני מזה שנים אבל מאז נפתחה החנות בשילת גילינו את המבחר המגוון שהחברה מייצרת.
וכך אחת לשבוע בדרכנו לשומרון אנחנו נהנים ממטעמי החנות, הניקיון והשרות. כך שלמרות שהמחירים אינם זולים ביותר חוויית הקניה בהחלט שווה
Guy Motors
Yoni Bill Carson
Best mechanic and garage I have used in Modiin. Guy is knowledgeable and absolutely honest. Anglos can feel at ease if their Hebrew is not up to scratch as Guy and his wife both speak good English.
Strongly recommend, as an engineer the professionalism is obvious as soon as you enter and see how the workshop is run.
HaPirat Ha'Adom Modiin - Shilat Branch
Devorah Robbie Tockar
Highly highly recommend! Served with a smile and after purchase service will have me coming back again and again!
Shum Pilpel Shemen Zayit - Deli & Cooking and Baking Equipment & Ingredients
نسرين قندح
שלום עליכם, מקום נפלא שמוכר את כל מה שבריא וטעים, במחירים תחרותיים ובאיכות טובה. אני אחד הלקוחות הקבועים שלו
السلام عليكم
مكان رائع يبيع كل ما هو صحي ولذيذ بأسعار تنافسية وذات نوعية جيدة
أنا من زبائنه الدائمين
Dfus Modiin
Marc Zeffren
Excellent service and prices!
Gold Motors - Authorized Mazda Ford Service Center
Opher Aviran
היו לי מכוניות רבות לאורך השנים, גם בארץ, וגם במהלך שליחויות בחו"ל, מטעם משה"ח. השירות, האדיבות והמקצועיות של צוות גולד מוטורס, בראשות המנהלת לירז זכריה, הם בסטנדרט בינל'. זה מתחיל בלירז ומחלחל כלפי מטה, דרך כל הצוות, כולל עובדות הקבלה, ויקי ורחלי היעילות והחביבות, צוות עובדי המוסך המקצועי והאדיב וכך גם צבי, הנהג של המוסך, שאסף אותי מהבית, או שהחזיר אותי לבית והוא תמיד מקסים, מנומס ויעיל.
מוסך גולד מוטורס - שירות איכותי שלא נתקלים בו רבות במדינת ישראל כיום. אמליץ לכל חבריי !
Musach Shilat
Michal Seri
שרות מעולה! אדיב והכי חשוב אמין. בכל פעם שאני מגיעה לטיפול, אני יוצאת מרוצה.
Grill 443 - Meat Restaurant
מאיר כהן
אכלנו כמה פעמים שחזרנו מתל אביב או כל מקום בצפון תמיד אמרנו שניסע דרך מודיעין כדי לאכול בגריל 433 האוכל טעים מנותנים בשפע כל דבר ולא בקמצנות וגם המחיר לא יקתובלן כמו שצריך פעם היה לנו בעיה בהזמנה שדיברנו עם המלצר ואמרנו זה לא בדיוק מה שהוזמן במנה אחת
ללא בעיות הוא החליף למה שהזמנו ואפילו את המנה שהביאו בטעות השאיר לנו ללא חיוב
שרות טוב ואפילו מצוין
גם בעל המסעדה אדם נחמד
אני לא מכיר אותו אבל שמעתי עליו
Shum Pilpel Shemen Zayit - Deli & Cooking and Baking Equipment & Ingredients
יונתן בן מאיר
יש משהו כיף בלבקר ב"שום פלפל", וגם כשהילדים באים איתי הם מרגישים את זה... מן חוויה שכזו... זה משהו בחנות שהוא יותר מהמוצרים שנמכרים בה (שהם גם באיכות גבוהה, וגם במחירים תחרותיים)... אולי שילוב של כמה דברים: המוזיקה שתמיד מצוינת (ולא פעם קרה ששאלתי מה אנחנו שומעים), העיצוב (למרות שהוא משתנה כל כמה חודשים) תמיד נותן הרגשה טובה, החבר'ה הצעירים שעובדים שם תמיד סופר חברותיים ונחמדים, וגם החלפות המילים של בעל הבית, יואב, עם הלקוחות והילדים משעשעות ומשרוות אווירה נעימה... המקום המושלם לקניות השבועיות של סוגי אגוזים, קוואקר, תבלינים, מוצרי תיבול וכו' במקביל לקניות ברמי לוי בקומה מעל.
Rami Levy Modiin - Shilat Branch
יונתן בן מאיר
המסופונים שינו את חיי :) למי שלא מכיר/יודע, ברמי לוי סניף שילת כבר שנה בערך שאפשר להשתמש במסופון שאיתו אתה סורק את הקניות תוך כדי ואז ביציאה לא צריך לעמוד בתור, פשוט מחזירים את המסופון ומשלמים. זה מזרז את הקניות בצורה משמעותית, ואתה גם יכול לסדר כבר את כל הפריטים ישירות בתוך הסלים. אפילו בשישי בבוקר, שהתור ברמי לוי הוא לפחות חצי שעה, עם המסופון, במיוחד בקנייה קטנה/בינונית אפשר לסיים די בצ'יק.
Tzora & Outlet - Chairs & Seating
שרון מלול
מקום עם אנשים מקסימים שירות מקסים וריהוט איכותי ביותר!!!!!!
Teller Bakery - Modiin Shilat Branch
Dalia Salari
איזה אושר , מזה שנים אני נהנת מלחם משובח , שמחה מאוד שהתקרבו אלי
Mashoo - Chain Store with Gifts, Favors and Good Things
Farrah Dobuler
We love this store!! Always have great prices and the cutest things. People who run it are also very nice.
Gan BaKfar - Catering & Ready Made Food
Hodaya Hodaya
הזמנתי קייטרינג לאירוע משפחתי גדול. השירות היה הרבה מעבר למצופה. האוכל טעים מאוד ממש ללקק את האצבעות!! שפע של אוכל ורצון טוב שהכל יצא מושלם! תודה רבה על השירות המצוין, האוכל הנהדר והדאגה לפרטים הקטנים באירוע! אין ספק שניפגש שוב :)
Gil Niv Service Center - Licensed Garage
Harry Rubenstein
Gil has been servicing our cars since 2003. I call him “the thinking mechanic.” They never start any work without contacting you first and letting you know what needs to be done and why and what it will cost. All the mechanics are personable and Keti the front desk administrator is lovely as well. I’m not going to say they are the cheapest, their prices are fair. But their work is guaranteed and you never have to second guess it. Trusty mechanics are hard to find!
HaMadpeset - Photography Store
Tali Cohen
Great quick helpful service and a wide variety of products
Shuka-Ochel - Real Home-Style Food
For the full menu click here! Established by the owners Grill 443, with traditional comfort food, a huge selection of dishes, fish, sides, salads, breads, all homemade! Real, fresh, delicious and high quality home-cooked food for Shabbat an
Huge Family Shabbat Meal for Only 330 ₪!
Teller Bakery - Modiin Shilat Branch
New branch in Shilat Junction for the famous bakery from Jerusalem. For over a decade, the Teller Bakery has been offering home style bakery and patisserie products on Agripas Street and in the Mahane Yehuda market in Jerusalem, using the h
Tzmigei (Max) General - Shilat Industrial Area
Main supplier of General Tire. Wide range of professional products and services for your car: Car batteries Puncture repair Car accessories Computerized front wheel alignment Tire rims for all types of vehicles Electrical and mechanical ser
Free Car Wash with Purchase of Tires!
Tzmigei (Max) Shilat - Tires & Car Accessories
Main Michelin dealer in the Modiin area, providing comprehensive solutions for car wheel issues and offering a range of accessories and services for your car. Range of services for your car, including: Sale of brand name tires from the lead
Free Front Wheel Alignment Test + Discount on Front Alignment Repairs!
Alum Trissei Modiin - Production & Sale of Aluminum Systems
Leading brand in the Modiin area and the center of the country, specializing in the production and installation of luxury aluminium systems. Authorized installer of "Klil" Designer Windows. Alum Modiin offers a comprehensive range of soluti
Amit - Car Service Center
Everything for your car under one roof! Arrangements with insurance companies. Repairs carried out by carefully selected team of experts: Mechanics Electrics Air conditioning Bodywork Painting Diagnostics Exhausts Glasswork Car batteries Sp
Free Summer / Winter Car Check Ups + Test Prep!
Art Sound - Smart Technologies & Advanced Accessories for Cars
Advanced equipment and accessories for your car - from sound, multimedia and navigation systems to safety products and luxury accessories. Range of products include: Sound and stereo systems Media and multimedia systems Screens Navigation s
Over 40% Off Professional Sound System or Ambient Lighting for Your Car!
Avi Sofer - Electrical Appliances
Cheapest electrical appliances in Israel! Up to 24 payments. Immediate supply. Importer's warranty. Liebherr Premium - Ly Vent - Fisher & Paykel - Tadiran Carrier - Electra - Philips - LG - Sony - Sharp - Blomberg - Amana - AEG - Electrolux
Bagelek Modiin Shilat - Bagel & Ice Cream Shop
Ice creams, smoothies, waffles, yogurt and all your favorites from the former branch of Aldo ice cream, plus - bagels, build-your-own salads and more! For the full menu click here! Spacious and cozy space to hang out with seating areas insi
10% Credit Towards Future Purchases + Discount on Ice Cream By Weight!
Bake & Cake - Products for Baking & Birthdays
Store dedicated entirely to utensils and ingredients for baking, birthdays, sweets and chocolates. NEW! Online orders and deliveries throughout the country! To the online store and for orders click here! Minimum order: 150 ₪, deliveries to
Biga Shilat - Cafe Restaurant
Now Kosher LeMehadrin! To reserve a table call: 08-8585154 For the full updated menu click here! For afternoon meal deals click here! The Shilat branch of the chain of boutique Parisian chic style cafes, offering a varied meny that includes
2nd Drink Half Price!
Biga Shilat - Events Venue
Perfect spaces for parties and events, both business and private, in a warm, family atmosphere, with a large selection of top quality dishes, and courteous and professional service. Offering 2 well decorated private rooms in Biga Cafe in Sh
Bobes Beer - Modiin Shilat Branch
Jewish food, boutique beer and a fun atmosphere to welcome the weekend. Click here for the full menu! Come start your weekend at the best place in town, with draft beer, and the best cholent in the world! Welcoming you every Thursday with b
Get 20 ₪ Off with Each 100 ₪ Order!
Cafe 443 - Shilat Gas Station Branch
Coffee cart with a fixed seating area.
Copycut - Design, Printing, Production
The first and leading printers in Modiin and the area, managed by Gilad Kapiluto. 20 years of experience and good reputation, with a commitment to quality, professional printing, customer service, short deadlines and offering a wide range o
50 ₪ Off Purchase Of 500 ₪ Or More!
Copycut - Graphic Design for Internet
The first and leading printers in Modiin and the area. Established in 2000 by Gilad Kapiluto, who still manages it today. Professional department of Copycut Printers, offering graphic design solutions for the Internet, and committed to high
D.A. Dina Abadi Beauty Clinic
Your destination for beauty treatments - all under one roof! For a break from shopping and the bustle of Shilat, come and enjoy a variety of high quality beauty treatments in a family-style, warm atmosphere. Stylishly designed and well-equi
Dash Eruim - Equipment Rental for Events
Equipment rentals to upgrade your event! Items for rent for all types of event include: Wood and plastic (Keter) chairs Long, square and round tables Stages Tents Mobile cold rooms Chest fridges and freezers Mobile air conditioners Air cool
10% Off Keter Plastic Chairs and Party Equipment Rental!
Dfus Modiin
Leading printing company with over 30 years of expertise in the print and advertising industry. Providing design, production and printing services for both private and business customers, with personal, fast, efficient and professional serv
Dogland - Center for Dogs
Complex offering a range of services for dogs, including: kennels, training, grooming, food and equipment. New! Transportation services: collecting and returning your dog from/to your house! Services include: Boarding at the recently renova
Dog Training in Your Home - Last 2 Classes Free!
Dror's Tires Garage Shilat
Your garage in Shilat! New at "Dror's Tires Shilat": authorized garage certified by the Transportation Ministry. Everything you need under one roof. Car repairs Test preparation including transportation service to test Sale and installation
Dror's Tires Shilat
Fixing flat tires and much more! Car accessories Headlight restoring Computerized wheel alignment Sale and installation of car batteries Flat tire repair for all types of vehicles Professional car consulting certified by Ministry of Economy
Eretz - Camping Equipment
Top quality camping, travel and hiking equipment, with the most advanced, modern and professional gear for every kind of trip, from family holidays to extreme hikes. Follow Eretz now on instagram or facebook, or come to the store, to see th
Fight Club Modiin - Thai Boxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Rumble Kickboxing
Academy of martial arts managed and coached by Ilya Grad, professional boxer who returned to Israel after 11 years abroad with numerous world titles, together with a team of international-level coaches. Large and spacious club with the newe
Free Week of Martial Arts Training!
Floroz - Garden Center, Flowers & Gifts
The place where flowers combine with an unforgettable shopping experience! Unique flower store, with over 30 years of experience, offering a range of indoor and outdoor plants, decorative items and original gifts, including deliveries of fl
Galgalei HaMagen Tires
Repair and sale of all types of tires, at the best prices in the area. Forty years of experience in the field. Open until 21:00 Sunday-Thursday for your convenience! Range of services for your car: Tires for privately-owned cars Tires from
55% Off Michelin Tires!
Gan BaKfar - Catering & Ready Made Food
Personal service and taste of home, with no preservatives, and using only the highest quality ingredients. Kosher LeMehadrin meat. For menu click here! Catering for every type of event - Choice from a huge range of dishes: main course, 6 sa
10% Off Catering Services!
Gez Brothers Computers - Computer Repair Lab
Well established computer lab, opened in 2002, managed by Oshri Gez, a computer technician with over 30 years of experience, including work in large high-tech companies. For any problem with you computer, you're invited to stop by for a fre
Free Lab Checkup (150 ₪ value)!
Gil Niv Service Center - Licensed Garage
Specializing in Kia and Hyundai cars at importer level. Offering service to 10,000 satisfied customers from throughout the area, with 30 years of experience as a legally licensed garage by the Transportation Ministry and the Israel Garage A
Gold Motors - Authorized Mazda Ford Service Center
You are invited to Gold Motors Modiin, a professional and advanced service center, including a testing center for the purchase of new cars and and a wheel alignment center. The official Mazda and Ford garage in the Modiin area. Authorized s
Grill 443 - Meat Restaurant
For the restaurant menu click here! Long established local restaurant renowned for its' expertly chosen meats prepared on a charcoal grill, that amaze with the quality of their flavour. 12 types of salad prepared fresh daily, house humus, h
Kalderon - Sleep & Furniture Brands
The biggest brand-name bedroom furniture and mattress center in Modiin! Huge showroom - 600 square meters of bedroom furniture, upholstered beds, bed-and-a-half, sliding door wardrobes and a selection of mattresses from the top companies in
Kia Modiin - Showroom & Car Dealership
If the time has come to buy a new car, or you just feel like a change, you are welcome to come and get to know the new Kia models, enjoy a luxurious driving experience, and special conditions for your next car. All you need to do is choose
Kia Motors Modiin - Authorized Service Center
You are invited to Kia Motors Modiin, one of Israel's most advanced authorized professional service centers. The center's expert staff will offer you service as you have never experienced before - with an emphasis on professionalism, reliab
Kliyat Chamama
Highest quality dried fruit, tropical fruit, herbs and spices, pulses, sushi-making products, pickled products, frozen dough, herbal medicine, and grinding on the premises of: nuts, flax seeds, coffee, poppy seed, gondi and more... Warm and
Mashani Salatim Modiin
Huge variety of salads and dozens of cooked dishes from first courses to desserts, at attractive prices and fantastic tastes. Mashani Salatim are famous for their high quality and varied homemade salads, that are produced daily. For full me
Meal Deal for Only 50 ₪!
Mashoo - Chain Store with Gifts, Favors and Good Things
Huge range of products at unbeatable prices: Party products Gifts Prizes Stationery Printer ink Disposables Helium ballons Packing boxes Cake decorations Party favors Sports equipment - trampolines, pilates equipment, exercise balls, weight
Matrefa - Kitchenware and Baking Utensils Store From Importer to Consumer
Everything you need for cooking and baking - quality kitchen utensils and gadgets from the top brands without middleman costs and at affordable prices! Wide range of quality products that have been rigorously tested and meet all safety and
Mem Shin HaMechaletz Pachachut VeTzeva - Car Body & Paint Work
Specializing in professional auto body repair and paint services for all types of vehicles. With 30 years of industry experience, the expert team offers advanced solutions for your vehicle including: Advanced PDR technology for fixing car d
Metalic - Hardware and Building Supplies
Hardware and building supplies for the home and for industry, including: Paint - Electrics - Plumbing - Fixtures and Hardware - Tools - Screws - Building Supplies - key cutting and more... Personal, skilled service at a professional level f
Moshe Arfi - Carpentry in Shilat (Flea Market)
Sideboards, kitchens, cupboards, shelves and all other personally designed carpentry work - wood cut to size also available! Have an idea for a piece of furniture? Any idea (even the craziest) can be carried out... Want to create a piece of
10% Off Cutting Wood to Size!
Musach 443 - Garage
Professional repair services for all types of vehicles, at importer level. Professional and skilled team with over 30 years of experience in the field. Services include: General car mechanics for all types of vehicles Electrics Air conditio
Musach Dima - Authorized Garage and Towing Services
Specializing in air conditioning, diagnostics and general mechanics for all types of cars. Garage is licensed by the Transportation Ministry. Rescue and towing services within 15 minutes in the Modiin area! Range of services includes: Gener
25% Off Towing Services!
Musach HaAchim Gez - Garage
Mechanical services for all types of cars, as well as electrical work, air conditioning, diagnostics, towing and rescue, preparation and passing of annual car tests and more. The garage is equipped with one of the most advanced computerized
Musach HaMechaletz - Modiin's Gear and Engine Refurbishment Experts
30 years of experience in general car mechanical services, specializing in the refurbishment of engines and automatic, AMT and CVT gears. Also offering repair services for all types of cars. The garage's services include: Engine refurbishme
Musach Shilat
The first and longest established garage in Modiin, since 1992. General car mechanics department Periodical servicing Electrics department Diagnostics department Air conditioning department Service garage for Shlomo Sixt group cars Hybrid d
P.G. Pachachut VeTzeva - Car Body Work
Your first stop following an accident! Professional car body work and paint work services by highly skilled and experienced professionals, at the Gil Niv service center. Ensuring your safety and the value of your car! Every car that is brou
Perfect Line - Bathrooms, Kitchens & Flooring
Your destination for perfect home design! Offering a wide range of high quality design solutions at attractive prices, with personal and professional support throughout the entire purchase process! Modiin/Shilat branch of national chain tha
Deals on Doors, Kitchens, Bathroom Cabinets, Flooring, Showers and More!
Pinot Chen - Decking, Pergolas and Pools
Wide range of decks and pergolas from wood and synthetic materials. Professional and exact work, with extensive experience of many years in the field. Using the best materials on the market. Personal and professional advise on the perfect u
Pinot Chen - Wooden Garden Furniture
Wide range of garden furniture: casual seating areas, wooden swings, benches, picnic tables, wooden planters – all can be ordered in any size and in any color. Placing top priority on the quality of the furniture. All furniture and products
10% Off Every Purchase!