e.g. Restaurants, Taxis or a business name

Useful City Information in Modiin

Emergency numbers, public transportation, gas stations, post office branches, banks, shuls & more...
Ganim & School Registration for 2025/26
Modiin General
The registration period for next school year will last three weeks, starting on Thursday 30/1/25 and ending on Wednesday 19/2/25. Registration is intended for ages pre-chova, chova, 1st grade and 7th grade. As in every year, registration ta
‭25/05 - 26/05‬ : Lag Ba'Omer 2023 - Designated Bonfire Lighting Areas in Modiin
Modiin General
As part of the Iriyah's preparation for Lag BeOmer, see below the areas that have been approved for the lighting of bonfires. For exact location on the map click here Bonfire lighting will only be permitted in open areas at a distance from
Local Elections 2024 for the Modiin City Councils - Full List of Parties
Modiin General
The elections will take place on Tuesday, February 27, 2024. Modiin Maccabim Reut elections 2024 in numbers: 1 candidate for head of local council (mayor) 12 parties 21 council members (19 in current council) 74,626 eligible voters 104,244
Local Elections Results 2024 in Modiin-Maccabim-Reut
The final results for the city council The full results after counting all of the ballot stations, as well as double-envelope votes (including the soldiers). Hai BeModiin headed by Haim Bibas - 8,152 votes (19%) - down from 8,531 votes in 2
Modiin's Public Transportation Municipal Hotline
Modiin General
New 24 hour hotline for collecting feedback from residents about the city's public transportation, in order to improve it and make it more efficient. The hotline does not replace the Kavim company's service and information hotline, but rath
Number of Modiin Maccabim Reut Residents in 2022 - True to Yom Ha'Atzmaut
Modiin General
On Israel's 74th Independence Day, there are 100,008 residents in Modiin Maccabim Reut (therefore now defined as a medium size city), compared to 97,385 residents (an increase of 2,623 people) on the previous Independence Day - according to
Number of Residents in Modiin Maccabim Reut - The City in Numbers Yom Ha'Atzmaut 2020
Modiin General
On Israel's 72nd Independence Day, there are 95,878 residents in Modiin Maccabim Reut, compared to 94,820 residents (an increase of 1,058 people) on the previous Independence Day - according to the municipality's population registry (accura
Number of Residents in Modiin Maccabim Reut - The City in Numbers Yom Ha'Atzmaut 2021
Modiin General
On Israel's 73rd Independence Day, there are 97,385 residents in Modiin Maccabim Reut, compared to 95,878 residents (an increase of 1,507 people) on the previous Independence Day - according to the municipality's population registry (accura
Number of Residents in Modiin Maccabim Reut - The City in Numbers Yom Ha'Atzmaut 2023
Modiin General
On Israel's 75th Independence Day, there are 102,742 residents in Modiin Maccabim Reut (therefore now defined as a medium size city), compared to 100,008 residents (an increase of 2,734 people) on the previous Independence Day - according t
Parking Enforcement in Modiin
Modiin General
To apply for a parking permit from the Municipality website click here! Please note! Municipal parking permits are digitally issued, and there is no more need to physically attach a sticker to your car's windscreen. Existing permits already
Road Closures for the 2024 Modiin Run
Modiin General
Due to the Modiin Run on Friday 5/4/24 there will be changes in the city's traffic arrangements. Drivers (also within the city) are advised to use Waze, which will be updated in real time regarding roadblocks. For full information about get
School, Ganim & Tzaharonim Vacation Calendar 2024-25 in Modiin-Maccabim-Reut
All the school vacations for the 2024-2025 school year as set by the Ministry of Education, and the vacation days on which the Matnas Modiin tzaharonim operate (from 07:30 to 16:00). Rosh Hashana No school and ganim Erev Rosh HaShana and fi
September 2019 Knesset Election Results in Modiin - by Neighborhood
Modiin General
The 5 parties that got the most votes in each and every neighborhood of Modiin-Maccabim-Reut, and at the end of the list - also the overall results in the city (including a comparison to the results in April). kramim (Tzipor) Kachol Lavan -
Shabbat Times in Modiin - Tevet 5785 / January 2025
Modiin General
Shabbat parashat VaYechi, 11 Tevet, 10-11/1/25. Shabbat times: Candle lighting: 16:37. Sunset: 16:57. End of Shabbat: 17:28. Info according to Rabbanut Modiin (The times are according to the specific horizon of Modiin-Maccabim-Reut, as publ
Weather System for Modiin Maccabim Reut
To access the system click here! Technological system, designed as a dashboard with real time updates and including a variety of data about the weather in Modiin: temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind direction and speed, and barometri
Where and How To Get A Rav-Kav Card in Modiin
Transportation Center
Rav-Kav cards in Modiin are issued by the new offices of the Kavim company in Merkaz HaTachbura, between the Azrieli Mall and the Modi'in central train station. To issue a personal Rav Kav card: You must present the following: Teudat Zehut
2015 Knesset Election Results in Modiin - by Neighborhood
Modiin General
Modiin-Maccabim-Reut Total no' of voters: 43,995. Voter turnout: 80.45%. Zionist Camp - 29.06% Likud - 22.87% Yesh Atid - 18.01% HaBayit HaYehudi - 10.56% Kulanu - 8.12% Meretz - 4.84% Israel Beitenu- 2.19% Shas - 1.25% Yachad - 1.17% Aleh
Achdut Modiin Synagogue (Ashkenazi - Achid)
Buchman (Shvatim & Moriah)
Gabai - Doron Levi.
Achva VeReut Synagogue (Sephardi)
Gabai - Uri Menasheof.
Adir BaMarom Synagogue (Ashkenazi)
Buchman (Shvatim & Moriah)
Gabai - Doron Taubman.
Adir Nachum Minyan (Nosach Sephardi Yerushalmi)
Gabai - Michael Cohen.
Ahavat Israel Synagogue (Nosach Edot HaMizrach + Combined)
Led by Rabbi David Alima. Please note! The minyan has moved from the Mitcham HaCaravanim on Dam HaMaccabim to No' 4, HaNevi'im Street (see map - there's also a large sign at the address with directions).
AKIM - Modiin-Maccabim-Reut Branch
Resources for families of people with mental disabilities in Modiin-Maccabim-Reut and the periphery, for all aspects of daily life, information and support. To donate securely online click here! The Modiin Maccabim Reut branch was establish
Amalel Shir Synagogue (Yemenite Baladi)
Gabai - Oren David.
Ambulance - Magen David Adom
Modiin General
Emergency services.
Amisragas - American Israeli Gas Corporation
Use the following links: For cases of Emergency: 03-6417274. To pay your bill online To pay over the phone via an automated system, call: 03-7100900. To order a gas tank
Amutat Chesed Modiin
Modiin General
Chesed and giving activities for city residents in need. The amuta members are comprised by dozens of Modiin residents from all over the spectrum. The organization's activities include the distribution of hot meals to families, collection a
Amutat PEULA
Modiin Merkaz Train Station
The Amuta whose name means "opening eyes and hearts to the needs of the blind", was established in May 2011, with the aim of providing support to the blind and visually impaired. The Amuta's activities include: Social activities with the bl
Amutat Prichat HaRotem
Modiin General
Amuta for the promotion of culture, art and sport for the children of Israel. The Amuta was founded by Yaron and Limor Parsi, residents of Modiin, in memory of their daughter Rotem Michal Parsi, who died of cancer in 2011, aged 16. As Rotem
Amutat Refuah VeSimchah - Modiin Branch
Modiin General
Voluntary organization for transporting patients and medical equipment. The service includes: Free assistance for patients and their families traveling to hospitals. Transporting medicines, equipment, medical documents and bone marrow sampl
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