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Horutherapia with Ronit Fairshtain - Where Mindfulness and Parenting Meet

Kibbutz Gezer (There are no streets, instructions will be provided)
Last Updated: over 2 weeks ago

Art therapy, parental guidance and counseling for children, families and individuals.

14 years of experience in individual, group and organizational work both in the private sector and in the Education Ministry.

Horutherapia offers solutions for the treatment of children, adolescents, families and individuals, and provides support for: bed wetting, depression, fears and anxieties, social difficulties, low frustration threshold, violence, low self-esteem and sleep problems.

Horutherapia is carried out using:

  • Art therapy - emotional therapy for children and adults through work with art materials and more.
  • Parental guidance - for parents who need help in bringing a peaceful atmosphere to their homes.

The combination of emotional therapy in the arts for the children, and parental guidance, creates a change in the child's emotional and behavioral state. The parents are provided with the tools to observe and manage situations differently, and as a result, the atmosphere in the home and family becomes more pleasant.

Additional treatment options include:

  • Bach Flower Remedies - The work with Bach Flower remedies provides amazing results. It is precise, shortens therapeutic processes and helps immediately to change internal feelings. The Bach flowers were developed by Dr. Bach and are from the energy of flowers. After diagnosis, the patient receives a remedy with the appropriate ingredients. The work with Bach Flower remedies is suitable for children and adults. For example, a child who came for therapy that was exhibiting facials tics, after diagnosis received a bottle with a uniquely customized remedy, in addition to therapeutic work with the family, and within a week the tics disappeared.
  • Trilotherapy - Treatment for adults and adolescents. A structured and short method, developed by Nissim Amon. It is designed for those coping with despair, depression, anxiety, confusion, difficulty finding their purpose, anger, addictions, and more.
  • Groups for strengthening social skills - through art, stories and the dynamics between the children, the group helps children strengthen their self-image, raise their threshold of frustration, strengthen social skills and more.
  • Preparation groups for first grade - the groups help the children mature emotionally, preparing them for the transition to school.

The clinic is located in Kibbutz Gezer, in a pleasant and pastoral atmosphere.

Call for more information!

Managed by Ronit Fairshtain, art therapy graduate from Beit Berl, with training in various fields of therapy. Studied and worked with parents and educational staff as part of the Ilanot program, which was managed by the Ministry of Internal Security from 2011 to 2015. Works in the Education Ministry alongside her work in her private clinic.


By appointment.


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