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New Year's Resolutions in Modiin
Starting the year on the right foot. Made a decision to be fitter? Healthier? Increase your well-being? Lose weight or generally take better care of yourself? Here are 15 places & professionals in Modiin that can help you achieve that.
Anatis - Rehabilitative Equipment Pilates Studio
שני יורגראו
אם אתם מחפשים להזיז את הגוף, לחטב אותו או לשקם ולטפל בו , ממליצה בחום על ענתי - אחת ויחידה ❤ מקצועית ברמות, נעימה ופשוט אלופה 🏆
שעה קסומה לגוף ולנפש, תוך התאמה אישית לכל מתאמנת, טיפול מסור והקשבה למתאמנת...
זהירות זה ממכר 🤗
Esther's Fitness - Individual & Group Fitness Training
Rene Gold
" I never thought I would love an excercise class. Esther inspires me to MOVE, and her personal attention is wonderful. I am in better shape than I have been in years, and much more aware of my posture , feel stronger and more energized. And it is fun!" Rene Gold
IGNITE Fitness Academy - Online Personal Fitness & Nutrition Coaching
Shalvi Katz
I still remember what tova said to me at our first meeting- “I can teach you and show you what you need to do but you have to trust me. The work and change have to come from you...” I was sure I was going to fail but took a leap of faith. I did everything tova said, even when it felt like it was going against what I thought was right, but I knew it hadn’t really been working for me, so I listened and changed the way I had been training, trusted and began eating in an organized and healthy way. And low and behold when you do what she says......RESULTS!!!!! Far beyond what I could have ever imagined for myself. Tova pushes me to my limits and helps me prove to myself over and over again that I CAN do it. The experience with tova for me is not only about strength of body but also strength of mind over body. She’s always there with the right advice, whispering support and suggesting changes.... I’ve learned to trust her and now there’s no looking back for me
IGNITE Fitness Academy - Online Personal Fitness & Nutrition Coaching
Maxine Levy
Tova has quite literally changed my life. From feeling exhausted and low on energy ALL the time, which I just attributed to a really busy lifestyle, I am now able to get through a full work day and still come home and enjoy being with my kids and actually get things done! This is obviously aside from all the physical improvements I have seen in my body, my weight and my nutritional habits. Tova is this little ball of crazy and infectious energy and fun (and I am by nature neither of these things!), no matter how challenging her life must be with two little kids of her own, she is always so attentive to her clients, treats them as if they are the most important person to her and only has words of encouragement and strength to help guide you to achieving your goals (and is holding your hand the entire way in getting there). What makes Tova different to other personal trainers? She cares about YOU, your health, your emotional state, your goals, and is always checking where you are at. Her classes are fun, energetic... And I find myself (to my own astonishment) actually looking so forward to them the entire day of the class! Tova is addictive, both classes and personal training, once you start you are hooked!
Healthy By Sabrina
Elise Rynhold
Sabrina is an excellent professional trainer and a down-to-earth, fun person. She works me hard, and I'm gaining strength and flexibility which are my personal goals. Highly recommend Sabrina.
Orly Soher - The Way to a Healthier Life
שני יורגראו
כמו רבים באוכלוסיה, גם אני עליתי במשקל במהלך השנים, ניסיתי דיאטות שונות וספורט, ירדתי ועליתי הכל חזרה... אבל שהכרתי את אורלי הכל השתנה 🤗 כי זו לא עוד דיאטה, זו דרך חיים, זה שינוי הרגלים... זה מעבר לחיים בריאים, המשלבים תזונה וספורט.
אחרי ירידה של 18 ק"ג, 10% שומן נראה גם ש-10 שנים הלכו לאחור בגיל 🥰
אורלי מקצוענית, אישה מדהימה, בעלת זמינות 24/7 ולא, זו לא רק סיסמא..... מלווה כל אחד ואחת באופן אישי, ברגישות והבנה לרצונות והקשיים.
אכפתית ברמות שלא הכרתי עד שפגשתי אותה מבעל מקצוע ♥️
ממליצה בחום, לכל מי שמתלבט, מי שיגיע ירוויח ובענק 😊😊
Orly Soher - The Way to a Healthier Life
Hila Shwartszorgen
אני בתהליך עם אורלי כבר תשעה חודשים, ירדתי 28 קג.
אורלי מלווה אותי כל הזמן, מחזירה אותי לפוקוס כשאני שוכחת או נותנת לעומס היומיום להשתלט.
כשאני נתקעת בירידה או פשוט צריכה גיוון, אורלי מציעה תפריטים שונים, ואפשרויות שונות. התהליך הצליח להביא לי שקט בכל הקשור לתזונה ואני לא מתעסקת בזה כל היום .
Orly Soher - The Way to a Healthier Life
פזית כהן
הגעתי לאורלי בתחילת אפריל 19 עם החלטה לשינוי והמון חששות, כי אני אוהבת אוכל ובעיקר אוהבת לאכול... אבל החלטה זו החלטה. ואורלי הייתה שם כדי שלא אמעד או אסטה מהמסלול.
אורלי היתה שם לכל שאלה בכל יום ובכל שעה, כולל ובמיוחד בזמנים הבעייתיים של השבתות והחגים, שלחה הודעות תמיכה, תזכורות לשתות מים וטיפים על בסיס קבוע.
הליווי של אורלי הכי אישי והכי צמוד.
ובתוך כל זה, בתור אחת שכאמור אוהבת לאכול, ידענו לשלב יחד את מה שאני אוהבת, את הדברים עליהם לא הייתי מוכנה לוותר.
היום, 5 חודשים אחרי ו-25 ק"ג פחות, אפשר לומר שהשגנו יחד את המטרה.
עם ההכוונה שלה אני יודעת שאני לא צריכה לוותר על ההנאות, רק לשמור על האיזונים הנכונים, כפי שלמדתי ממנה.
מומלצת בחום ובאהבה💕
Orly Soher - The Way to a Healthier Life
איריס מזרחי
אורלי היא מקצועית מאד. זמינה 7\24...יודעת למצוא פתרונות גם כשאורח החיים אינו שגרתי ודורש הערכות לא שגרתית בנושא הארוחות. יודעת לחזק ולתמוך גם ברגעי משבר...20 ק"ג מיותרים נעלמו כלא היו...
NME Fitness - Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach
Orly Laufer
After really struggling to lose weight for about a year and half after having my first baby, Naomi helped me finally see results. Her online course allows us to do the workouts when it's good for us and right in our living room. Her constant availability and support really help when we need a little motivation or have a question/concern. Every week there are new workouts and Naomi definitely keeps it interesting with all the different kinds of moves and classes. I had never exercised using weights before, but I've really come to appreciate them. I feel stronger and healthier. I'm fitting into clothes that I hadn't been able to wear throughtout my pregnancy and postpartum period and getting compliments from family/coworkers.
Sherrill’s Total Fitness for Women & Teens
Esti Butel
My daughters and I have been working out with Sherrill for many years now. We love her energy and the way she manages to work the whole body in an hour. Go with a friend, it's actually fun!
NME Fitness - Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach
Rachel Elkaim Barr
I love working out with Naomi! She is super talented and you can tell she knows her stuff! Highly recommend!
NME Fitness - Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach
Erika Be'eri
Naomi is an amazing trainer her workouts are great and tailored to you. I’ve grown much stronger and feel amazing after my workouts
NME Fitness - Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach
Tali Cohen
Highly recommend Naomi, both for her group classes and private training. She really helped me and inspired me to get back into exercising.
NME Fitness - Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach
Janice Mizrahi BenSadon
Naomie is awesome! Great workouts gets you motivated and awesome playlists!
NME Fitness - Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach
Hila Beery
For people who want to be strong, healthy and have a good shape!
NME Fitness - Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach
Ilana Rolnik
I love Naomi Eastman. She is an amazing trainer. So fun to work out with her and she is always motivating you.
Sherrill’s Total Fitness for Women & Teens
Rena Fruchter Landman
Highly recommend sherill's fitness classes! She has great energy, her workouts are varied, and you leave feeling great! She is a true professional and helps with modifications for all kinds of personal needs.
Sherrill’s Total Fitness for Women & Teens
Meira Harow Landsman
I’ve been working out by Sherrill for three years. It’s a fun and good workout. I love the music :) and Sherrill is very professional and makes sure we’re always pushing our selves to do even better without getting injured.
I highly recommend her classes!
HaStudio Shel Sigalit - Exercise & Zumba Classes for Women
רונית אטלינגר
העובדה היא שכבר למעלה מעשר נשים ובאופן קבוע (כמעט) אני פוקדת את הסטודיו של סיגלית פעמיים בשבוע במגוון שיעורים של פילאטיס עיצוב זומבה פלדנקרייז ועוד.. ועובדה היא שאלמלא סיגלית, באישיותה המדהימה מלאת ההומור והמקצועיות , כנראה לא הייתי שורדת אפילו שנה. אז אני מודה לך סיגלית על כל שנה שבזכותך אני יותר גמישה,יותר יציבה (גם בנפש וגם בגוף ) ויותר אוהבת את עצמי (כי אחרי כל שיעור אני גאה בעצמי )..
B Pilates Studio - Forum Tziporim Branch
Forum Tziporim Commercial Center
Studio for classical apparatus pilates. Come and practice the method as it was invented by Joseph Pilates. Training experience that will change your way of life. You will come out feeling stronger, healthier and happier! The classes are hel
The Pilates Studio
Ligad / The Technological Park
Native English speaker. Mat and apparatus Pilates, offering personalized private sessions and group classes to help you achieve body conditioning that is a complete coordination of body, mind and spirit. Extensive experience in training for
30% Off Trial Pilates Class + Free Session for Soldiers, Miluimnikim & Hostage Families + More!
B Pilates Studio - Yishpro Center Branch
Yishpro / Merkaz Einav
Studio for classical apparatus pilates. Come and practice the method as it was invented by Joseph Pilates. Training experience that will change your way of life. You will come out feeling stronger, healthier and happier! The classes are hel
Body in Mind Pilates Studio
Dimri Towers
Equipment pilates studio, active in Modiin since 2008, and known for combining an exceptionally high professional level with a warm and personal atmosphere. The studio is pleasant and fully equipped. Groups are small (up to 5 clients), and
10% Off Purchase of Equipment Pilates Class Package!
Hadar's - Equipment Pilates Studio
Buchman (Shvatim & Moriah)
More professional, more personal, more yours. Individual or small group training for all ages - with a mutual commitment to training and results. In Pilates, the quality of movement is of supreme value, and not the amount of repetitions of
Happy Hour - Boutique Equipment Pilates Studio
Buchman (Shvatim & Moriah)
Well-designed pilates studio with professional and innovative equipment. Suitable for up to four male/female participants. Managed by Lital Paldi - certified equipment and mat pilates instructor with special training for working with pregna
HaStudio Shel Sigalit - Exercise & Zumba Classes for Women
Buchman (Shvatim & Moriah)
Long established studio operating in Modiin since 1999, offering a variety of exercise classes for women. Classes include: Body shaping Pilates Zumba Feldenkrais Dynamic Fitball Tabata Special studio, which is a home for movement, character
Healthy By Sabrina
Modiin General
Certified personal trainer, prenatal and postnatal fitness specialist, integrative nutrition coach, and clinical weight loss practitioner. Specializing in womens' health, weight loss and fitness for over 8 years. Offering you the following
Jason Stout - Sports & Fitness Instruction
Ligad / The Technological Park
Native English speaker. Helping you reach your potential, with personally tailored exercise routines to promote your health or to improve your sports performance. Working with a full range of people from beginners to Olympic champions. Serv
3 + 1 Free for Personal Fitness Training Sessions!
Maccabim Sports Center
Where sports and health meet. The Maccabim Sport Center offers 2 swimming pools: for adults and for toddlers, with a range of activities during the season, including swimming and style improvement lessons, workshops, shows and inflatables.
Men's Fitness with Mordechai Sopher
Native English speaker. Here to help you meet your health and fitness goals! Men's fitness for children, teenagers, adults, and the elderly. Come and visit the fitness studio in Shaalavim! For those looking to: Live a healthier lifestyle Lo
"Frum Fitness" Book for Only 70 ₪
Modiin Public Gym
Modiin's Municipal Sports Center
Part of the municipal sports center. The gym, which opened in August 2012, has all the latest equipment and is located on the second floor above the municipal swimming pool. Ticket prices: Modiin resident - one off 20 ₪, kartisiya of 12 ent
Orly Soher - The Way to a Healthier Life
Merkaz Renanim
Succeed in losing weight, once and for all! Women's group program for weight loss and a healthy lifestyle, with long lasting results! Course that will bring healing and nutrition back into your life, and awaken your inner strengths to live
Outdoor Gyms in Modiin-Maccabim-Reut
Modiin General
The full list of outdoor gyms in Modiin-Maccabim-Reut. Each location includes a large variety of equipment. Their locations: Asher street (access from the path next to house number 4) Binyamin opposite house number 26 Sportek on Shderot Beg
PT Plus - Boutique Physiotherapy, Equipment Pilates and Functional Training Studio
Kfar HaOranim
Private boutique studio offering physiotherapy, equipment pilates and functional fitness training. Managed by Yuval Shahak. Providing personally customized orthopedic, neurological and vestibular (vertigo) physiotherapy treatments. Also off
Running & Fitness Club with Yoni Showalter
New running group opening on Wednesday 4/9/24. [phone] For more information call now: 055-9781469 You are invited to join the Moreshet neighborhood's running group! In the group, you will have the opportunity to improve your running abiliti
Sherrill’s Total Fitness for Women & Teens
Buchman (Shvatim & Moriah)
Now is the best time ever to come and join fun workout classes that motivate you to work hard and see results! Fitness classes, personal training and fitness chugim for teenage girls with a Wingate Certified trainer and native English speak
Smadar David - Mat Pilates
Modiin General
Personal training especially for you! Mat pilates instructor for combined fitness and pilates classes - lengthening, sculpting, flexibility and strengthening. Individual or two person training sessions, in your home or in the studio. Call n
Total Fitness with Hannah - In Person and Virtual Health & Fitness Coach
Modiin General
Professional customized coaching designed to help you look and feel your best. Training options include: Private training (1:1) Semi private training (2 people) Customized online fitness and nutrition coaching Small group classes: Strength
Anatis - Rehabilitative Equipment Pilates Studio
Lev Reut Shopping Center
Pilates training for individuals, couples or intimate groups, in a relaxed atmosphere, and with magical energy, for ages 14 to 99. Varied, creative and interesting workouts that bring the body to new summits with every workout. Body shaping